Lzf lampsist ein kleines spanisches Unternehmen, das ganz besondere Leuchten für ganzbesondere Menschen herstellt. Gegründet Ende 1994, stellt Lzf von Anfang anhandgefertigte Leuchten ausschließlich aus Holzfurnier her. Dieses edle Material erzeugt einen spektakulären Lichteffekt, der die innere Schönheit desHolzes zur Geltung bringt und sowohl im privaten als auch im gewerblichen Bereich eine zarte, warme und attraktive Atmosphäre ausstrahlt. Ausgezeichnetmit zwei Good Design-, zwei Design Plus- und einem Red Dot-Preis, hat LZFseinen Platz unter den Nischenanbietern weltweit gefunden.
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LZF Omma 2 Leaves Table Lamp, LEAVES OF LIGHT The LZF Omma 2 Leaves Table Lamp is an inventive lamp, like a tree with fluttering leaves full of light. In...
LZF Omma 1 Leaf Table Lamp, LEAVES OF LIGHT The LZF Omma 1 Leaf Table Lamp is an inventive lamp, like a tree with fluttering leaves full of light. In...
LZF KASA, THE CURIOUS LIGHT Kasa is a bijou and rather curious table lamp designed by Eli Gutierrez for LZF Lamps. The lamp’s rounded wood veneer panel has a slight...
LZF TOMO LONG, THE BOOKISH LIGHT Tomo is a lamp whose design is reminiscent of books placed side by side. This thoughtful and earnest lamp was designed by Valencia-based MUT...
LZF TOMO TALL, THE BOOKISH LIGHT Tomo is a lamp whose design is reminiscent of books placed side by side. This thoughtful and earnest lamp was designed by Valencia-based MUT...
LZF Omma 3 Leaves Pendant Light, LEAVES OF LIGHT The LZF Omma 3 Leaves Pendant Light is an inventive lamp, like a tree with fluttering leaves full of light. In...
LZF Omma Double 2 Pendant Light, LEAVES OF LIGHT The LZF Omma Double 2 Pendant Light is an inventive lamp, like a tree with fluttering leaves full of light. In...
LZF Omma 2 Leaves Pendant Light, LEAVES OF LIGHT The LZF Omma 2 Leaves Pendant Light is an inventive lamp, like a tree with fluttering leaves full of light. In...
LZF Omma 1 Long Leaf Pendant Light, LEAVES OF LIGHT The LZF Omma 1 Long Leaf Pendant Light is an inventive lamp, like a tree with fluttering leaves full of...
LZF ESTELA, TEARS OF LIGHT Designed by Mayice studio for LZF Lamps, Estela’s new glistening vertical formation reminds us of tears of happiness or happy tears. In Estela, the light...
LZF ESTELA, TEARS OF LIGHT Designed by Mayice studio for LZF Lamps, Estela’s new glistening vertical formation reminds us of tears of happiness or happy tears. In Estela, the light...
LZF ESTELA, TEARS OF LIGHT Designed by Mayice studio for LZF Lamps, Estela’s new glistening vertical formation reminds us of tears of happiness or happy tears. In Estela, the light...
LZF Dune SV 120 Pendant Light, THE DEEP SIGH The award-winning LZF Dune SV 120 Pendant Light, imaginatively designed by Mayice, is now available in a striking vertical version. When...
The LZF Oh Line 80 Pendant Light, THE SVELTE LIGHT Imagine sitting beneath a halo of light. This is the effect created by the LZF Oh Line 80 Pendant Light,...
LOLA, THE PIQUANT LIGHT Lola is the latest lamp for LZF designed by long-time collaborator Ray Power. Showcasing Power’s ability to create imaginative three-dimensional forms, Lola is a conical lamp...
LENS SUPEROVAL, THE SMOOTH LIGHT Designed by MUT, Lens enjoys flowing lines with no hard edges. Its wood veneer shade surrounds an oval circumference of light, and in its centre...
LENS OVAL, THE SMOOTH LIGHT Designed by MUT, Lens enjoys flowing lines with no hard edges. Its wood veneer shade surrounds an oval circumference of light, and in its centre...
LENS CIRCULAR, THE SMOOTH LIGHT Designed by MUT, Lens enjoys flowing lines with no hard edges. Its wood veneer shade surrounds an oval circumference of light, and in its centre...
LZF ESTELA, THE SEAMLESS LIGHT LZF Lamps Estela is a captivating capsule of light. In Estela, Mayice Studio designed a clean, clear, single piece of borosilicate glass. Hand-blown by the...
ERIS, THE ETHEREAL LIGHT Eris has an abstract and ethereal beauty, similar to the planet of the same name. Designed by Mayice Studio, Eris is made up of several components:...
X-CLUB, THE SPOT LIGHT Hit the spot with the X-Club light designed by Burkhard Dämmer. With its curvy form, the X-Club emanates light with a sensual quality, akin to a...
LZF Thesis Wall Lamp, THE INTROVERTED LIGHT Thesis is a table lamp and a floor lamp. The LZF Thesis Wall Lamp is a modern lamp whose companionship is close and...
PLEG, THE ORIGAMI LIGHT The Pleg wall light resembles a folded sheet of paper, putting one in mind of a decorative piece of origami. Designed by Yonoh Estudio Creativo, Pleg...
I-CLUB SLIM, THE SYMMETRICAL LIGHT Created by Burkhard Dämmer, the I-Club is designed with clean architectural lines and a longer form that will illuminate its surroundings with understated elegance. An...
I-CLUB SMALL, THE SYMMETRICAL LIGHT Created by Burkhard Dämmer, the I-Club is designed with clean architectural lines and a longer form that will illuminate its surroundings with understated elegance. An...
I-CLUB SMALL, THE SYMMETRICAL LIGHT Created by Burkhard Dämmer, the I-Club is designed with clean architectural lines and a longer form that will illuminate its surroundings with understated elegance. An...
HI-COLLAR, THE UNOBTRUSIVE LIGHT Inspired by the traditional stiff shirt collar of old, Ray Power designed the Hi-Collar wall light. This small and simple lamp casts an indirect light in...
GUIJARRO, THE FAMILY LIGHT Guijarros is a family of three pebble-like lights, each one perfect for use on a wall or ceiling. Designed by Mariví Calvo, the Guijarro lamps were...
GEA, THE STEADFAST LIGHT A versatile all-rounder, Gea is a solid and circular suspension, ceiling, wall and floor lamp (named ‘Cosmos’). Designed by Mariví Calvo, Gea’s modest form is smart,...
GEA, THE STEADFAST LIGHT A versatile all-rounder, Gea is a solid and circular suspension, ceiling, wall and floor lamp (named ‘Cosmos’). Designed by Mariví Calvo, Gea’s modest form is smart,...
LZF Black Note Wall Light - THE RHYTHMIC LIGHT Designed by Ramón Esteve, LZF Black Note Wall Light - a lamp with perpendicular shades that rise and fall in harmony....
LZF Thesis Floor Lamp, THE INTROVERTED LIGHT Thesis is a table lamp and a floor lamp. The LZF Thesis Floor Lamp is a modern lamp whose companionship is close and...
LENS SUPER OVAL, THE SMOOTH LIGHT Designed by MUT, Lens is made up of a single opaque LED lens, set into a metallic base, and encircled by two concentric ellipses....
LENS OVAL, THE SMOOTH LIGHT Designed by MUT, Lens is made up of a single opaque LED lens, set into a metallic base, and encircled by two concentric ellipses. The...
LZF Black Note Floor Lamp - THE RHYTHMIC LIGHT Designed by Ramón Esteve, LZF Black NoteFloor Lamp is a lamp with perpendicular shades that rise and fall in harmony. The...
LZF Thesis Table Lamp, THE INTROVERTED LIGHT Thesis is a table lamp and a floor lamp. The LZF Thesis Table Lamp is a modern lamp whose companionship is close and...
LOLA, LOLA, THE PIQUANT LIGHT Lola is the latest lamp for LZF designed by long-time collaborator Ray Power. Showcasing Power’s ability to create imaginative three-dimensional forms, Lola is a conical...
LOLA, LOLA, THE PIQUANT LIGHT Lola is the latest lamp for LZF designed by long-time collaborator Ray Power. Showcasing Power’s ability to create imaginative three-dimensional forms, Lola is a conical...
LOLA, LOLA, THE PIQUANT LIGHT Lola is the latest lamp for LZF designed by long-time collaborator Ray Power. Showcasing Power’s ability to create imaginative three-dimensional forms, Lola is a conical...
LENS OVAL, THE SMOOTH LIGHT Designed by MUT, Lens is made up of a single opaque LED lens, set into a metallic base, and encircled by two concentric ellipses. The...
Im Jahr 1994 begannen Mariví Calvo und Sandro Tothill in einem kleinen Studio im historischen Zentrum von Valencia mit der Entwicklung und Herstellung handgefertigter Holzfurnierlampen.
Die ursprüngliche Idee hinter Luzifer entstand an einem Sommerabend, als sie an einem Leuchttisch mit dünnen Holzfurnierplatten arbeiteten und der durchscheinende Effekt so verblüffend war, dass sie sofort auf die Idee kamen, ihn auf einen neuen Beleuchtungsstil anzuwenden . Offiziell wurde das Unternehmen erst ein Jahr später gegründet, da die ersten Lampen ausschließlich für den persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt waren. Sie waren so beeindruckt von den Ergebnissen und so neugierig, wie andere Holzarten aussehen würden, dass sie begannen, eine kleine Sammlung von Lampen herzustellen, die in den Häusern von Freunden landeten oder verkauft wurden, was sie dazu zwang, mehr zu machen.
Nachdem sie ihre Technik zur Verstärkung des Furniers verfeinert hatten, um aus solch zerbrechlichem Material einen stabilen Schirm herzustellen, beschlossen sie, eine Ausstellung im Trapezi-Theater in Valencia zu veranstalten, wo mehr als 230 Lampen ein Publikum von über 400 Zuschauern anstrahlten Menschen. Auf der Hauptbühne wurden 30 Lampen von einigen der führenden Maler, Comiczeichner und Designer Valencias in Kunstwerke „umgebaut“, um die Hauptattraktion des Abends zu schaffen. Diese Abende voller künstlerischer Kreativität waren der Funke, der uns dazu brachte, über eine Langlebigkeit ihrer Arbeit nachzudenken.
Die Marke hat mit zahlreichen weltbekannten Designern zusammengearbeitet, darunter Mut Design, Mayice, Ramon Esteve, Miguel Herranz, Isidro Ferrer und vielen anderen. Eine der Designerinnen, die die Vision der Marke am meisten beeinflusst hat, ist Mariví Calvo selbst, eine der Gründerinnen von LZF Lamps. Sie hat viele ikonische LZF-Designs zum Leben erweckt, wie zum Beispiel das LZF Oh! Line,LZF Gea neben vielen anderen.
Die Holzfurniere von LZF sowie die gesamte Kartonverpackung stammen aus Wäldern, die vom Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) zertifiziert sind, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, die sich für eine verantwortungsvolle Bewirtschaftung der Wälder weltweit einsetzt. Nichts kommt an die Schönheit dieser Furniere als Diffusionsmaterial heran und keine andere Furnierbehandlung verleiht dem Material Festigkeit und Schutz, ohne auf die Zartheit und Subtilität zu verzichten, die dieses natürliche Material bei Beleuchtung vermittelt.