Willkommen in unserer Sammlung von Bohème-Leuchten! Hier finden Sie eine wunderschöne Auswahl an Leuchten, die die freigeistige und vielseitige Atmosphäre des Boho-Stils perfekt einfangen. Mit einem Schwerpunkt auf natürlichen Materialien, leuchtenden Farben und verspielten Mustern soll diese Kollektion Wärme in jeden Raum bringen.
Unsere unkonventionellen Beleuchtungskörper werden aus einer Vielzahl von Materialien gefertigt, darunter Rattan, gewebte Textilien und mundgeblasenes Glas. Sie sind in verschiedenen Stilen erhältlich, von auffälligen und dramatischen Kronleuchtern bis hin zu skurrilen Lichterketten.
Egal, ob Sie eine gemütliche Leseecke schaffen oder Ihrem Schlafzimmer einen Hauch von Boho-Chic-Flair verleihen möchten, wir haben die perfekte Beleuchtungslösung für Sie.
Bring Nature Indoors with the Graceful Grass M Pendant Light from Forestier From her Grass collection for French brand Forestier, Jette Scheib emphasizes that it is meant to express the...
Bring Nature Indoors with the Graceful Grass XL Pendant Light from Forestier From her Grass collection for French brand Forestier, Jette Scheib emphasizes that it is meant to express the...
Forestier Bamboo Oval XL Pendant Light - A natural contemporary lamp Conceived by designer Arik Levy for french lighting producer Forestier, Forestier Bamboo Oval XL Pendant Light mixes natural materials...
Forestier Bamboo Oval L Pendant Light - A natural contemporary lamp Conceived by designer Arik Levy for french lighting producer Forestier, Forestier Bamboo Oval L Pendant Light mixes natural materials...
Forestier Bamboo Oval M Pendant Light - A natural contemporary lamp Conceived by designer Arik Levy for french lighting producer Forestier, Forestier Bamboo Oval M Pendant Light mixes natural materials...
Forestier Bamboo Oval S Pendant Light - A natural contemporary lamp Conceived by designer Arik Levy for french lighting producer Forestier, Forestier Bamboo Oval S Pendant Light mixes natural materials...
Jaime Hayon was commissioned by Parachilna to capture Morocco’s colourful landscapes, silent deserts & characteristic flavours. That is how the Ma-Rock was born. Ma-Rock T ME by Parachilna is a...
Jaime Hayon was commissioned by Parachilna to capture Morocco’s colourful landscapes, silent deserts & characteristic flavours. That is how the Ma-Rock was born. Ma-Rock T ME by Parachilna is a...
Jaime Hayon was commissioned by Parachilna to capture Morocco’s colourful landscapes, silent deserts & characteristic flavours. That is how the Ma-Rock was born. Ma-Rock T ME by Parachilna is a...
Jaime Hayon was commissioned by Parachilna to capture Morocco’s colourful landscapes, silent deserts & characteristic flavours. That is how the Ma-Rock was born. Ma-Rock T PE by Parachilna is a...
The Sisters pendant lamp from Mammalampa - lamps with rich color variety. Contemporary design lamps are made in the manner of traditional paintings - a canvas painted with color nuances...
The Sisters pendant lamp from Mammalampa - lamps with rich color variety. Contemporary design lamps are made in the manner of traditional paintings - a canvas painted with color nuances...
The Bride Table lamp from Mammalampa. The braided lamp. Definitely - unique lamp, certainly - emotional lamp, absolutely - feminine lighting design. The Bride’s “dress” is created from paper presenting...
The Bride floor lamp from Mammalampa. The braided lamp. Definitely - unique lamp, certainly - emotional lamp, absolutely - feminine lighting design. The Bride’s “dress” is created from paper presenting...
The Bride floor lamp from Mammalampa. The braided lamp. Definitely - unique lamp, certainly - emotional lamp, absolutely - feminine lighting design. The Bride’s “dress” is created from paper presenting...
The Bride pendant from Mammalampa. The braided lamp. Definitely - unique lamp, certainly - emotional lamp, absolutely - feminine lighting design. The Bride’s “dress” is created from paper presenting this...
The Screen floor lamp from Market Set brings a modern and classic charm to your home, whether illuminating the living room or bringing warmth to a bedroom. Market Set's Screen...
Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from MARKET SET® is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...
Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...
Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...
Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...
Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...
Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...
The pendant light Formentara from MARKET SET® is composed of 5 Mediterranean style lights. Playing on the accumulation of lampshades in natural materials, the Formentera evokes a bohemian chic atmosphere...
The pendant light Formentara from MARKET SET® is composed of 8 Mediterranean style lights. Playing on the accumulation of lampshades in natural materials, the Formentera evokes a bohemian chic atmosphere...
The pendant light Formentara from MARKET SET® is composed of 16 Mediterranean style lights. Playing on the accumulation of lampshades in natural materials, the Formentera evokes a bohemian chic atmosphere...
This Good and Mojo's pendant light is inspired in the remote Asian country of Bhutan. Their law states that 60 per cent of the country’s land area must consist of...
This Good and Mojo's pendant light is inspired in the remote Asian country of Bhutan. Their law states that 60 per cent of the country’s land area must consist of...
A bohemian style for this pendant handmade in Vietnam from braided bamboo stems. The Bromo pendant from Good & Mojo skilfully combines natural material and contemporary design in a very...
A bohemian style for this pendant handmade in Vietnam from braided bamboo stems. The Bromo pendant from Good & Mojo skilfully combines natural material and contemporary design in a very...
A bohemian style for this pendant handmade in Vietnam from braided bamboo stems. The Bromo pendant from Good & Mojo skilfully combines natural material and contemporary design in a very...
A bohemian, ethnic feel for this beautiful floor lamp. The Palawan L Floor lamp from Good & Mojo presents an inspired mix: minimalist, contemporary forms contrast with traditional materials and...
Good & Mojo Kalimantan W3 S Wall Light - A natural lamp A bohemian style for this Good & Mojo Kalimantan W3 S Wall Light with its lightweight silhouette. The...
Good & Mojo Kalimantan W3 L Wall Light - A natural lamp A bohemian style for this Good & Mojo Kalimantan W3 L Wall Light with its lightweight silhouette. The...
Good & Mojo Kalimantan Vertical S Table Lamp - A natural lamp A bohemian style for this Good & Mojo Kalimantan Vertical S Table Lamp handmade in Vietnam from braided...
Good & Mojo Kalimantan Vertical L Table Lamp - A natural lamp A bohemian style for this Good & Mojo Kalimantan Vertical L Table Lamp handmade in Vietnam from braided...
Modern in style and striking in design, the Bromo ceiling light from Good & Mojo will add a Contemporary and decorative touch to your interior. Designed by Good & Mojo,...
A bohemian style for this ceiling light handmade in Vietnam from fine jute threads. The Iguazu ceiling light from Good & Mojo skilfully combines natural material and contemporary design in...
A bohemian, ethnic feel for this beautiful floor lamp. The Bali L Floor lamp from Good & Mojo presents an inspired mix: minimalist, contemporary forms contrast with traditional materials and...
A bohemian style for this ceiling light handmade in Vietnam from braided bamboo stems. The Bali ceiling light from Good & Mojo skilfully combines natural material and contemporary design in...
Der Bohème-Stil ist eine freigeistige und vielseitige Designästhetik, die sich von einer Vielzahl von Quellen inspirieren lässt, darunter globale Kulturen, Vintage-Textilien und natürliche Materialien. Es zeichnet sich durch eine Mischung aus Mustern, Texturen und Farben aus, oft mit kräftigen Drucken und lebendigen Farbtönen.
Boho legt außerdem Wert auf einen entspannten und entspannten Einrichtungsansatz mit Schwerpunkt auf Komfort und Gemütlichkeit. Gemeinsame Merkmale des Bohème-Stils sindgewebte Textilien, Makramee, Fransen und Quasten sowie natürliche Materialien wie Rattan, Holz und gewebte Gräser.
Der Gesamteffekt ist von Wärme, Textur und Individualität geprägt, was den Bohème-Stil zu einer beliebten Wahl für diejenigen macht, die in ihrem Zuhause Wert auf Selbstdarstellung und Kreativität legen.
Die Ursprünge des Bohème-Stils lassen sich bis in die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts zurückverfolgen, als eine Gruppe von Künstlern und Schriftstellern begann, im Bohème-Viertel von Paris zu leben und zu arbeiten.
Diese Bohemiens lehnten die traditionellen sozialen und kulturellen Normen ihrer Zeit ab und führten stattdessen einen Lebensstil voller Freigeist und Kreativität. Sie trugen oft unkonventionelle Kleidung und dekorierten ihre Häuser mit einer Mischung aus vielseitigen Möbeln und persönlichen Schätzen. Im Laufe der Zeit verbreitete sich der Bohème-Stil über Paris hinaus und entwickelte sich zu einer globalen Bewegung, die Künstler, Schriftsteller und Designer auf der ganzen Welt inspirierte.
Der Bohème-Stil wird auch heute noch für seine Betonung von Individualität, Kreativität und Selbstdarstellung gefeiert und ist daher eine beliebte Wahl für alle, die ihrem Zuhause ein Gefühl von Wärme, Komfort und persönlichem Stil verleihen möchten. p>